Yusuf and I were doing the marathon and Melanie was doing the half, which set off 30min after the marathon. The marathon had about 70 runners and it consisted of two big laps and two small laps in that order (the half was one big, one small). We did a loop of the field before heading for the old railway line and running east and ascending gently. I usually love running along this bit, but after four trips along it today, I wasn't quite so fond of it the fourth time. What I like about is the numerous bridges over the river which was in full flood. We turned off at the same place as the Lakeland Trail Derwentwater race (LTDR) but went right instead of left and climbed a fairly big hill before turning down the way the LTDR comes up, then a sharp right uphill before a nice undulating section through woods until we hit Lonscale Farm. The climb up Lonscale Fell was one of the hardest climbs I have done in a trail race. Unrunnable. Finally got to the the trail the LTDR comes down on and then headed towards the Latrigg car park and then plunge down to Keswick.
As I was climbing up Lonscale Fell I was seriously thinking of stopping at the end of lap 1 (7.9m). The thought of that climb again was not something I fancied. However the plunge down from Latrigg brightened my spirits and I realised when I got to the end of lap 1, that I could do it again. It wasn't so bad the second time.
The third time was the short lap and after the railway line we turned left and climbed directly towards Latrigg although when we reached the top we skirted the top and came back to the Latrigg car park. Still it was quite a climb.
At the start of the fourth lap it seemed clear I would finish somewhere between 5 and 5hr 30, so I ran/walked the railway line, climbed the hill and took it easy on the descent to Keswick. 5hr 18, I am happy with that on such a tough course.
Would I recommend it (I seem to be the only Fetchie doing it this year). Not strongly, it is not as good as the Lakeland Trails marathon in my view. The laps make it seem harder, you run past the finish three times before you finish. I have done plenty of marathons which involve laps but for some reason I just didn't enjoy the laps here (maybe because they were so tough)
Would I do it again ? Hmm, possibly not, but I have said that before immediately after finishing.
Yusuf did a great time 4hr 52 on his last marathon before returning home. MelanieLH found the half marathon tough but did a great with 2hr 16min
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