The marshalls, who were all so encouraging, were pretty much the same as in the previous two years and they were in the same place on the moor. Many of them had food, jelly babies and drinks as well which supplemented the two drinks stations per lap. Flip applied to be a marshall, went through a rigorous interview, specialised training and a probation period (in other words he volunteered) and took up a position on the moor. Apparently he danced and sang to some runners, but I missed out on that for some reason...
I decided to dig out my annual plan for this race which is run each lap quicker than the previous lap. At least this year it lasted more than one lap, usually I go way too fast in the first lap and that is the end of the plan. I was aiming for 54min laps which have brought be in on 4hr 30. Lap 1 was 55min 21 which wasn't too bad. I ran with two clubmates right at the back just in front of two St John Ambulance cyclists who seemed poised to swoop like vultures watching their prey.
Soon after the start of lap 2 one of my clubmates said the pace was too fast so I went on ahead at what I thought was the same pace. I was disappointed to find that it was a slower lap than the first lap, but not by very much. But at least the plan had remained a possibility until the end of lap 2.
Plan B was adapted which was just to run the rest at a steady pace and that seemed to work. Lap 3 was fine as I passed halfway (in 2hr 18). Lap 4 was mentally the hardest. Lap 5 wasn't too bad though I walked up the one hill as I knew by then it would make little difference to my time. I came in with 4hr 38min 31sec and had overtaken 22 other runners from the end of lap 1 when I was last.
The one thing that lifted me every lap was Fetchpoint. They were amazing, waving pompoms, offering food, drink and shouting loudly
It was also great to have so many runners that I knew doing this race and to meet some Fetchie runners I hadn't met before
A great day out
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