Tuesday, 19 March 2024

Saturn Running Save the Rhino marathon March 2024


This is a handy event for me to keep up my endurance. It starts just over a mile from where I live so getting there and home afterwards is not a problem. Sabrina is training for the London marathon and we talked about running together for four laps (it is six for a marathon) but she then decided to go for five laps. It is so much easier running with someone else as this is a very familiar area for both of us.

Here we are waiting for the start:

This is the start/finish area from the other side of the river with the cathedral and castle in the distance.

The weather was very mild, a little bit of wind and occasionally light drizzle, so pretty perfect for running.

I wasn't aware of the official photographer in these two photographs:

After lap four I changed my top to help me think it was a fresh start. We had run all of the first three laps and we started to walk the odd stretch on the fourth lap.

It was great having Sabrina's company but she stopped after lap 5 - she could easily have done another lap but wanted her first marathon to be London. 

Without company I slowed even more on the final lap and I was happy to finish 😀

2023 blog

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