Saturday, 31 December 2022

Saturn Run Remembrance Day marathon 2022

Well that turned out much better than I expected 😀 

On Friday I pulled a muscle in my back not bending enough to tie my shoelaces. This happens every eighteen months or so. I’m usually uncomfortable and struggle to sit for a few days.

I cancelled a work thing where I would be sitting for an hour or so on Friday evening. I also withdrew from pacing at parkrun on Saturday.

On Saturday morning I did go to parkrun and basically walked 80% of it I ended up with a time over 40 minutes but I was pleased to have done it.

I had a place at the Saturn Run in Durham on the Sunday and the plan was to run/ walk a lap or two - a lap is about 4.6 miles. You can run as far as you like but you must stop no later than 6.5 hours after the start. It’s quite a popular event with people doing all sorts of distances. I find it a bit hard mentally as it is in an area less than a mile from home so I know it very well.

I started and running didn’t feel too uncomfortable but it was slow. The last long run I had done was 13 miles and I haven’t done anything longer for several months. @mhrunningwild joined me about half way round the first lap and ran with me for some of the second lap and that helped 😀

Much to my surprise I ran the second lap and the third. At the half marathon point I did think about stopping, but while I felt comfortable I thought I would do one more. I probably ran about 80% of that one.

At the end of lap 4 I calculated I had enough time to walk the last two laps and I managed to run about 20% of lap 5 and 0% of lap 6 as my calves started telling me they weren’t used to this.

Very surprised and happy with this outcome 😀😀

Many thanks to @mhrunningwild  who gave me exercises to help my back. They worked a treat I didn’t feel it at all when I was out there.

2021 blog

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