Saturday, 3 September 2016

Hardmoors Princess 31m 2016

I have enterted this event four times now. The route is the same as the old Hardmoors 30 route which I have also done three times so this would be my seventh time on this route. There is normally a big difference between running it in the winter (the Hardmoors 30 is on New Year's Day) and September especially on the Whitby to Ravenscare section on the Cleveland Way. In September there is normally no mud. 

It is a lovely route, from Ravenscar to Hayburn Wyke on the Cleveland Way, then back to Ravenscar via the Cinder Track. After that 8m loop we carry on the Cinder Track to Whitby via Robin Hood's Bay and then back to Ravenscar via the Cleveland Way. I think it's easier than some of the Hardmoors marathons which are sometimes only a little shorter bit shorter than the Hardmoors Princess, but have much more ascent.

The Hardmoors Princess is also a charity event in aid of the local mountain rescue team. Runners were encouraged to wear Princess attire a bit more strongly this year and many responded. You can see pictures on the Hardmoors facebook page if you want to see more.

In the last year I have run two ultras with Kath and Sara. Sadly Kath could not make this event as she is recovering from a injury, so Sara and I ran together. It was lovely, we chatted away and the day just flew by.

The run down to Hayburn was fine although the wind was fairly strong in our faces, but we had just started and we were fine. I did wonder what it would be like on the last 11m from Whitby when we would be more tired. We ran almost all of the uphill drag on the Cinder Track and road back to the Village Hall in Ravenscar. Ann Brown snapped us just before we got there

About halfway between Ravenscar and Robon Hood's Bay the rain started. It was then on and off, but mainly on for the rest of the event. It did get a bit heavy at times and you can see what we looked like arriving at the Whitby checkpoint (thanks to James Campbell for these):

We thought that Whitby would be quieter because of the rain, but it was still busy. The smell of fish and chips reached us as we ran past shops. We climbed the infamous 199 Whitby steps, the wind and the rain eased and I was able to get a shot of the harbour

Soon after we were on to the Cleveland Way where the route is very good underfoot for about a mile. After that it became more muddy. Not as bad as it gets in Januray, but definitely the worst September conditions that I have experienced. I had worn light trail shoes but I could have done with more grip. Those in road shoes, which would have been fine normally, were all over the place.

We found that we were see sawing with a few other runners, including Angela from my club. Once we got beyond Robin Hood's Bay (where they had watermelon at the checkpoint !) we stuck together and finished as a group of three.

In the Village Hall there was a round of applause as we entered. Lorna kindly ensured we had something warm to drink and we helped ourselves to the chips and cakes that were provided.

There were quite a few Striders at this event some of them doing their first ultra. Everybody did great. Phil was also marshalling on his birthday.

As usual, we received a certificate, a medal and a bag of sweets for completing the route.

I am sure I will be again next year !

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