Monday, 8 June 2015

Lakeland Trails marathon 2015

My third  and Melanie's second time for this beautiful, scenic run. We normally enter the Challenge (there are two races on the same course, with the Challenge being mainly for those who run a bit slower), but there are two disadvantages with this. Firstly you have to collect your race number and chip the day before and secondly it starts at 7.00 in the morning. The advantage is that if it is hot (and it has been the two previous times I have run it in 2011 and 2013) then you can get a lot of it done before it starts to get really warm.

We drove over to Coniston after our regular 30min pacing run at Durham parkrun and stopped off in Torver for a coffee. Then up to Coniston Hall to collect our number and then back to Kendal to check in at the hotel. It was at that point that Melanie realised that she had left a suitcase at home. She had some running gear such as shoes, but no top or tights or underwear and nothing much to wear after of the following day. It was about 3.30 on Saturday at this point. We looked at what spares I had, but none of them were suitable. We went into Kendal, found a Boyes' and Pete Bland's and managed to pick up basically what was needed. Some of it wasn't ideal but it was the best we could do in the time.

Melanie didn't sleep all night so when the alarm went off at 4.30 she wondered whether she should be running a marathon. She decided to go for it and she seemed to have lots of energy when she was running.

We arrived at the start area at about 6.10 and faffed around getting ready and chatting to Eric and Gillian and several old friends from Fetcheveryone. Just before the start Melanie had gone to use the toilets but the queue was too long. However, we ran past them after the start, so we both stopped to use them and started way behind everybody else (thanks to Eric for some of the pictures)

The route leaves Coniston Hall and goes across fields on hard packed trails (lots of these to come) to the village. We had caught the back markers at this point which was lucky as the route had changed and we hadn't expected this. We went down to the lake before heading through the village.

There is a fair of climbing in the first half, some of it it on quiet country roads but the rest on trails. The sections through woods are particularly beautiful and there are some wonderful views of the

Finally we made it Tarn Howes which is just stunning !

Then it is a bit of drag up to about 14m which is the highest point which has great views of the Lake.

Then a tricky rocky descent down to the bottom of the Lake at Water Yeat.

The water stations were fairly frequent and every other one had food. After Water Yeat we started the climb up to Beacon Tarn which seemed a bit longer than I remembered. However, normally I am very tired at that point, but this year I felt good, mainly because the sun had stayed behind clouds for the vast majority of the time.

The path round the tarn was particularly boggy and the technical bit afterwards was as slow going as ever. Then a nice bit of descent down to the Lake and the tree root section alongside the Lake. The tree root section ends about 2m from the end and it is an easy run in from there if you have any energy left. I didn't have much so Melanie went on and finished just ahead of me. We met up with half marathon runners just before the end.

We came in about 10min faster than in 2013 which I think shows how much difference the lack of heat makes.

A beautiful marathon, if you haven't done it, go and enjoy 😀

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