Sunday, 14 January 2024

Scarborough Rock 2024

I have been meaning to do this event for a few years. It only runs every other year and in 2022 when I had a place, it was cancelled. 

The start is at the lovely Scalby Parish Hall and I bumped into a few people I know from other races.

As is typical with Long Distance Walking Association (LDWA) events, you can get refreshments before the start. I can't recall seeing the ability of make your own marmalade on toast before.

All participants have been given a route description (see first page below) and a gpx file which I had uploaded to my watch and OSmaps on my phone. Although I didn't use the route description it was useful to look at it before the event to work out where the seven checkpoints and four self clips were located.

The start was the most laid back I think I have every seen. Walkers could leave anytime after 7.45 (giving their start time to a marshall). Runners had a mass start at 8.30. When I got to the start area just before 8.30 there were runners setting off individually or in small groups, so off I went. Basically we were heading for the North Bay promenade and we had a good view of the Castle as we headed down to the promenade and past the beach huts.

Then it was first of many climbs (at least 2500 ft of ascent in this event) heading to St. Mary's church. Here was the first checkpoint where they were just taking tally numbers.

Out of the churchyard through an arch and a steep downhill to the South Bay.

Then another steep climb to the Esplanade and here the view looking back to the Castle

Some more road running before a steep zig zag path up to Oliver's Mount where there was a beautiful view.

A lovely road descent to the Mere where the second self clip was located.

Another climb through a caravan site with another lovely view.

After another steep climb through woods and we were out of Scarborough. Into the countryside and past close to the GCHQ site.

Several miles later after some lovely running through woods, this is a typical checkpoint with the volunteers doing an excellent job.

At this point I was still catching walkers and there were plenty of people around. We worked out way down to the Cut and on to the Tabular Hills Way. Shortly after this the 16 mile and the 26 mile routes diverged. The 26 mile route was very much quieter and from now on I had to focus a lot more on navigation.

After more ups and downs we approached the lovely Forge Valley and through Hackness.

More climbs and navigation was very important (at some other points there was tape or signs which helped but in this area but nothing in this area). I worked my way to the Broxa checkpoint and they had vegan food 😀 I hadn't asked at the previous checkpoints as they were quite busy and I was carrying my own food anyway.

Leaving the Broxa checkpoint we had to cross a muddy ploughed field. The mud was pretty bad and I left the field with my shoes feeling twice as heavy. Down through the woods and then came across this sign which made me a little concerned...

Then more woods and a bit of a chat with other runners about which way to go. At about 20 miles my phone battery died. Luckily I had a power bank with me so I was able to continue to access the route on my phone. We left the last section of woods and headed across some fields.

Finally we ended up on an old railway line to the east of Burniston and followed that for 1.5 miles before ending up back in Scalby and back to the Parish Hall. We had to take our shoes off before entering the Hall and having our time recorded. It was quite funny seeing runners struggling to get their tightly tied shoes off in a hurry !

There was a two course meal at the end (but sadly all the vegan food had been eaten by the 16 mile competitors). We were given a certificate and a badge - this event only cost 15 pounds, amazing value.

I loved this event, the scenery was lovely, the weather was dry (apart from some very light drizzle for a few minutes) and I was able to run the last few miles (that hasn't happened for a while). If you get the chance to run this in 2026 I would recommend it 😀