I have completed a Saturn Run marathon in Durham before. I didn't really enjoy doing laps along paths I run down very regularly. However, that one had short laps so it felt there was a lot of covering the same ground. I have also watched the last couple of Saturn runs and come round to thinking maybe I should do another one. I felt that I also needed a long run to keep my fitness up at this time of year.
There are advantages, the start is only one mile from where I live, the route is very flat, there is a very friendly atmosphere with no pressure, you can run as far as you like within 6.5 hours. And then there is the Aid station at the end of each lap. There is a comprehensive choice of sweets (and some vegan ones) and today there was watermelon. I usually love events that have watermelon at checkpoints.
There was also a number of people there who I knew which always helps. My partner Melanie was going to do the half marathon (three laps) and a friend was going to do two laps (although she ended up doing a third to reach a half marathon 😀). The weather was perfect, no wind or rain, the ground was firm and the autumn colours were just lovely. Thanks to Melanie for these photos 😀
Lap 1. There must have been a couple of hundred starters and it felt quite crowded. There were also lots of folk out on the paths for a Sunday stroll so there was a bit of dodging and weaving. Also we took it very easy and got back to the aid staion and had drinks and food.
Lap 2. At 11.00 air horns sounded around the course and we all stopped in rememberance. We felt that we weren't going any faster on this lap, but somehow we were and we got back to the aid station a bit quicker. Time for more of the food I had bought with me - sandwiches and my mountain fuel drink.
Lap 3: Melanie and I set out together and this was without any doubt our fastest lap. It felt like we were going considerably faster. At the end Melanie stopped as she did not want to aggravate the niggles that she is struggling with.
Lap 4: I knew that without Melanie this was going to be harder, so I changed my shirt and gave Melanie my waist bag that was rubbing a bit. I often find changing my shirt helps me, it just feels like a fresh start. Earlier in the event I thought I would take this lap slower, but I was still buzzing from lap 3 and it was fairly fast.
Lap 5: Melanie has stayed around and I passed her several times which always helps. This lap was meant to be where I put in some effort, but I had already put some in the previous lap and there wasn't much left in the tank. There were a couple of sections I walked which is not a good sign.
Lap 6: Changed into a long sleeved top as I thought I might be walking a bit more on this lap and that happened. Not many runners left on the course at this point and those who were left were all exchanging 'Well done' as they passed.
Some vegan snacks at the end and an impressive medal