The drive down was fine and I was dropped off as planned at the John Lloyd gym about 75min before the start and walked from there. As I approached the baggage area I realised there was a very long queue. Eventually got there and dropped my bag only to join another queue over a bridge on the York Uni campus which was hosting the event. The Uni had opened several of their buildings too so there were plenty of toilet facilities. Finally, I got to pen 4 about 7 minutes before the start.
It took me about 6 minutes to cross the line and then we turned towards the centre of the city and then going through one of the gates in the walls. Onward towards the shopping area and it got a bit narrower and headed towards the minster. Passed Melanie who seemed to be standing above the crowds on something precarious and then out through another gate in the walls and into the suburbs. Still lots of people about, some with megaphones, people had also put bunting outside their home and were offering jelly babies to the runners. We had our first names on our race numbers so the spectators were encouraging us by name. I heard some spectators making plans for next year, suggestion they would bring out gazebos
When running through Stockton on the Forest I was surprised to see a vicar in full regalia high fiving runners and saying 'God Bless you' to everyone she connected with.
My plan for this one was to do 10min miles and just see how it went. I had to start a little ahead of the pacer in the pen because of the crowds, but I seemed to be knocking off sub 10 min miles without too much effort. I wondered how long it would last and I could feel my calves tightening ominously ...
By about halfway I realised I was enjoying this more than I expected. Soon after halfway there were two out and back legs which gave me the opportunity to see people I knew and there were loads, Fetchies, clubmates and friends from other clubs. Looking for other runners distracted me from the gentle inclines that had started to appear.
I got to 20m in 3hr 16min which was pleasing. Things started to go wrong at about mile 22, the first real walking started and I started to put in 10min, 11min miles... But I knew I had enough time to get under 4hr 30min so I just walked when I felt I needed to, but always started up again as quickly as I could.
Lots of crowds at the finish, a reasonable goody bag, with a pink and white t shirt and a pink and white medal
I think I might enter again next year and MelanieLH is tempted as well
Some photos from Melanie :